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September 17, 2019

Traces of Dawn music on MuseBoat Radio

Event info

Date: September 17, 2019

Traces of Dawn music on MuseBoat Radio

Welcome to 24/7 media promotion channel for listeners, artists, brands, radio stations, and podcasters.
Listen to fantastic music at home, in the office, in the store or in the car and get a well-deserved reward. Join our family to meet new artists and friends in LISTEN & CHAT shows produced by volunteers.

Take advantage of the opportunity to meet new artists, listeners and brand representatives in the chatroom. Get new friends, comments, shares, LIKES, and exchange favors with people from all over the world.

Museboat Live maintime is always at 10 pm London time, which is:
11 pm in Berlin, 12 pm in Athens, 5 pm in New York, 2 pm in Las Vegas, 7 pm in Rio de Janeiro and 9 am Sydney time unless otherwise specified.

To reach listeners regardless of where they live, we replay some LISTEN & CHAT show EVERY THREE HOURS from the start time.