March Fan Appreciation – Keepin It Country – Ray Canada


KeepinIt Country
KeepinIt Country

Traces of Dawn March Fan Appreciation – Keepin It Country – Ray Canada

Next up on our Fan Appreciation page is country music supporter Ray Canada of Keepin It Country.  Ray is from the warm state of Orlando Fl. and is also known as Cowboy Ray. I have to say, even if he wasn’t chosen for the Fan Appreciation, he deserves acknowledgement for all his hard work and dedication in supporting country music artist from all around. If you go to his Keeping It Country  Twitter page,  you would see his site is loaded with country music artists. His support doesn’t stop there, he also has a broadcast on PSCP TV Keepin It Country

I am thankful for his hard work and dedication, his continued support of Traces of Dawn and country artists all around no doubt earns his spot on our fan appreciation page. Thank you Ray!

~ Dawn (AKA T Dawn, Traces of Dawn) 🙂

Twitter: #KeepinItCountry @KeepinItCntry @RayGCanada
